Anxious 18/05/2003 - 12:13 AM

Yee haw! I finally managed to make this diary a little spiffy. I hated the old way this looked and I'm feeling this theme much more. I still haven't changed the way the old pages look, but I'll prolly do that when I archive for the month.

Well, I saw the Matrix Reloaded twice and it gets better and better. I found out that the IMAX deal is happening in June, so I'll be looking forward to that.

My mom got a sickness attack. Me and the sis called 911. I never want to have to do that again. My mom slumped over on the stairs and I thought that she had died. I never want to experience that ever again. I just wish that she cared enough about her own health to get out of this danger zone that she's in, but you can't make people care about things when they aren't ready.

I'm probably emotional unbalanced at this moment because of what happened. It made me think that if anything ever happened to my sister. I'd tear my brain in half from the grief alone.

Finals are coming up and I still haven't made a serious attempt at getting a job. My plan is to make clothes at home and sell them online. Ah, it's an idea. I already plan to make my dollies and sell them online. That should bring me in a few bucks, but no serious money.

It's crazy what a person starts to think of when they face a crazy situation. I started to think about my future as a person while I was sitting here. This is opposed to my future concerning what my career is going to be. I feel like I'll be forever in this anti-social phase and I won't experience the full range of human emotions that are out there. Being born the odd duck that I am, I'll have to just deal with the hand I've been dealt.

There is a girl in my classes, she said one day, "It's not easy being a princess." I wanted to knock the teeth out of her head.

Tummy hurts... 14/05/2003 - 2:55 PM

I went to the library at skool so I could use their slide scanners because I don't have an adapter for my scanner at home. I see notices all over the place saying that there is no internet connection to any of the computers and they only have drives for zip disks. I thought that I was royally fucked because all I had was a 3.5 floppy. I decided to fiddle around and see if a miracle would happen for me. It turns out that the computer/scanner station that I went to indeed have an interent connection. So I ended up scanning all my slides and sending them to myself in an email. Damn that's mighty sweet.

There was a critique today for painting. I usually hate critiques for the fact that it's a chance for everyone who has a friend to kiss up to them and go on and on about bullshit. Today was no exception.

I managed to get my pagemill back. I should overhaul this bitch and make it super flossy.

The old Cannon AE1 camera that has been in my pocession for years has been tested. My mom gave it to me and she thought that it was broken. She said that since she dropped it, it hasn't taken pictures the same since, but then again she told me that she just might have been taking bad pictures that day. To a joyous me, the camera is not broken and in fact was used to take some of the most beautiful photographs that I have ever taken. I'll post them later perhaps.

The semester is windlin down. I keep forgetting that I have an English final left.

Gonna see the Matrix Reloaded tonight Suckas! so sweet...

Cough, cough, sniff, sniff. 05/05/2003 - 9:36 AM

During this past winter, the flu season seemed to get almost everyone I know. Why for the life of me was I hit with sickness now. I'm guessing my pollen allergy coupled with my lactose intolerance is the culprit to my currently ailing health. I have a fever and I'm still in skool. Well, I showed up to this morning class, but the instructor didn't show up. I'm going to fast in my painting class so it's cool if I skip today. I also have to run some errands and get a project done.

I still have to go with my sister to pick up our advanced tix to see the Matrix Reloaded. I'm seeing on the 14th as opposed to the officail release date of the 15th, suckas! Yeah, I'll probably see this a few times in the theater. But the big money showing is seeing it at the IMAX theater. Mmmm IMAX.

Know your rights... 03/05/2003 - 1:46 AM

I was listening to an old cd yesterday. On it was a live version of Sharky 17 by Inspecter 7. That song totally brought me back to my high skool days. I spent a good portion of my time going to shows then. It was great. I miss going to ska shows. They seemed to have all disappeared from the NYC area. On my nostolgia wave, I listened to the Clash today. Man, I've really changed since high skool and yet I'm still me.

I learned how to do photo transfers on thursday. It was cool and because of it I want to get a daylab machine for a graduation present to myself, but then again I'm trying to be really stingy when it comes to buying things for myself. Argh...I need to get hooked up with a job filing papers or something like that.

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