The Cardigans - Love Fool 29/06/2003 - 10:29 PM

I'm trying to come up with an idea for a really amusing banner ad. Normally, I don't even think about making ads, but since I get them for free, I figure that I might as well use them.

So, I went to the New York Comic and Creators Fantasy something convention today. It had a lot of mad nice things there. J got the "Neo at the chateau" Matrix playset as well as the remake McFarlane toys did of Neo from the first Matrix movie.

I saw the Alien Queen and I really wanted it. It had ten points of articualtion with wiggly tail and a human stuck in the muck with an alien that gave it chest bursting action. It was $25, but I had already spent $20 on the Invader Zim DVD I found. It has all the episodes I have plus two I haven't seen and a music video I haven't seen. I didn't get to watch it yet, but that's going to happen in a day or two.

I'm tired, but I still have to get my shit done for the summer. Reading my design book, sketching toys, and marker rendering homework. I still have to sell some of my belongings so I can relax with my finances. Epp!

Iron Man 21/06/2003 - 11:31 PM

For the past four days, I did a summer workshop in preparation for when I start my new major in the fall. I was a little crazed since it was during the summer and I had to have class at 10 AM. I had fun when we learned marker rendering. So for the last day we got to have a picnic in one of the special little rooms that the president has on the top floor of the C building. This is where they have nice terraces that overlook the city. It was cool, we ate outside until it started to rain. I had a huge ass cookie that kept me full most of the day. I took three more home. Part of my summer homework is to read the Velveteen Rabbit. The chairwoman loaned me a copy. I thought that was sweet. It was a fun day today.

I stayed up hella late watching dvds for no real reason which was a stupid move since I had to wake up for my classes. Oh well.

The print show reception went nicely on tuesday. Eric came and we had fun wondering around.

I am so tired, but I have to wait to my mind to tire out so that I can sleep.

When the weather gets better, I'm going to go to Central Park, get in a row boat, row out to the middle of the lake and shoot a roll of black and white film. I've been itching to do this for awhile.

Gonna go see Type O Negative play soon as well.

Everyone who came to the summer workshops was told to enjoy this summer because it will be the last moments of free time that we will have before we really get into the work of the program.

I'm excited about it in a scared, nervous way. =)

You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. 15/06/2003 - 6:45 PM

Yeah, well, it was my birfday yesterday. It was probably the best one I've ever had or have had in a long time. It involved drinking, talking, a haircut, cake, ice cream, and watching my friends play "Enter the Matrix" I also found out that I got some voicemails. They were nice. =)

My right eye hurts something awful. 09/06/2003 - 9:14 PM

I went outside for the first time in a long time. I ran errands all over Manhattan. When I got home, I found an update for the International Comic-Con that takes place in San Diego. I doubt that I will ever be able to afford the trip there. (I calculate that it would cost me $1000 for everything.) I missed last year which was a good year and I'm going to miss this year which by the update looks promising. One day when I get up the money to go, I doubt that I'll have the time. Ack!

Altoids Tangerine Sours 06/06/2003 - 10:25 PM

Staying up late and getting up early sux without saying. However, when one is getting the chance to see the Matrix Reloaded on the IMAX screen it makes all the pain worthwhile.

Seeing the movie on that huge of a screen was cool as fuck. It felt like either being in the movie or you were shrunken down to the size of an ant and were looking up to the characters. There were parts where I felt like I was standing right behind the characters or that I was actually moving (especially when Trinity is going over the side of the building.) I want to see it at IMAX again, but I probably won't.

The Fencing World Cup is being held in NYC at Columbia University from the 12th to the 15th. It's free to see everything. They are going to have Womens Foil, Womens Sabre and Mens Sabre. I think I'll take a trip uptown to see some of the action. It should be cool.

Paradise City?!?!? 04/06/2003 - 11:53 PM

I went to the Goddess exhibt that the Metropolitan Museum of Art was having. It turned out to be a clever hoax by their costume institute. I ended up seeing gowns of hollywood bullshit than authentic ancient Greek and Roman dress. To sweep that feeling up, me and my friends went to the actual Greek and Roman section of the museum. Seeing the stuff they had there made me itch to chisel marble sculptures. I wish I had a sugar daddy paying for all of my art supplies.

Gonna see the Martix Reloaded at the IMAX theater on Friday. It's gonna be sweet!!!

I've been talking to a friend of mine who learned how to make wigs. She was telling me that she would make me one of those English powdered wigs for me if I wanted one. I looked at her like she was hitting the crack pipe.

My ear is bleeding. 04/06/2003 - 1:12 AM

I'm listening to "Singing in the Rain" right now.

I managed to finish my first doll of the summer. It happens to be much better than the last one I did. I owe this to inspiration. I got a whole bunch of books in the mail yesterday. They were a graduation present from my parents. They are very awesome, but I can't read Japanese which is a tad bit irksome. I think I will be bugging Mari when I see her at the summer workshops for some translation help.

I feel like I've been trapped in a test tube.

When I was a little one, I believed that if I held a shopping bag over my head that it would act like a parachute. I only attempted my experiments by jumping off of the couch. It never worked, but I never got hurt either. I also used to scale this pole that was connected to the radiator in the apartment I grew up in. I used to slide down it and pretend I was a firefighter.

Who knows why the heart sighs... 02/06/2003 - 1:22 AM

Ah, the start of a new month.

I haven't been on the puter in 4-5 days due to a slight complication. I noticed how slowly this background loads up and I'll probably tinker around with it when I get a nice free moment.

I started work on another doll, which has been fun. I should finish by tomorrow and then up she goes for sale.

I have my four mandatory workshops for my new major happening in a few weeks. I think it's really cute that there is a picnic to introduce everyone to each other.

One of my prints is going to be up in the experimental print show that my skool is going to have in the main gallery. I think that's cool because I've never had any of my stuff in the skool gallery before.

I managed to clean up my apartment. I even used the scrub brush to get out this nasty spot on the floor of the art room. It looks spiffy there now.

Mmmmm.... Matrix Reloaded at the IMAX theater is gonna be sweet on June 6.

I have a feeling that my secret birthday desire of drinking myself to sleep, alone, in a dark room isn't going to happen since I'm making a concsious decision to spend my money on supplies.

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