Tip toe through the tulips... 30/07/2003 - 12:47 AM

Sunday: I went over to my friends' house with my sis. We sat around talking in the heat. They have plastic covered furniture and we stuck to it. After a serious amount of this torture, we decided to go into an air conditioned room in their apartment. I can't remember what the hell we did. Someone broke out a bottle of whiskey and the shot glass. I only had half a shot because I was finishing off the bottle. In psychology, I learned that the a certain part of the brain is responsible for how our senses function. However, the part of the brain that takes care of the sense of smell is located away from the other senses and instead is located near the part of the brain that is responsible for memory. They say that's why when we smell a certain smell, it will trigger our memories. Anyways, the smell of whiskey always reminds me of my grandpa because that's what he always drank at family celebration dinners. He didn't order it at the resturant; he'd bring his bottle from home to the dinner. So when I took the shot of whiskey it tasted like the smell of my grandpa which is a disturbing experience. Two out of the four of us got really drunk. Drunk talk is usually fun and I enjoy it, but not when I'm trying to go to sleep.

Monday: Ack, so the reason why everyone was trying to get to sleep early was because we were trying to finally get on a damn rowboat. If you are sensing anger, it's because it still hasn't happened because when we got there, HBO was filming a damn new series and the lake was locked off. The told us it was only going to be another one and a half hours, but then it became another one to two hours. We left pissed because it was the only day everyone could get off work to enjoy the simple pleasure of being in a rowboat on a lake. Later on that night, we went to see Type O Negative play a show at Irving Plaza. It was fun. I was on the balcony and had a good view without getting crushed to death. However, my left ear is still ringing, but sounds are no longer muffled. I hope it clears up by tommorrow. =)

PS I also made my first handmade teddy bear. It looked a little strange, but I thought it was a good first try.

Wakewalking through the dream world. 26/07/2003 - 10:49 PM

I've been having some really tripped out dreams these past two nights. Both came to me after thinking about a certain someone before drifting off.

The first dream involved me at a hotel room with a whole bunch of people that I was supposed to know, but I didn't recognize any of them from my life. Anywho, we were all sitting around watching porno videos. At one point we changed the tapes and everyong agreed that the second tape had better stories even though the tapes didn't actually show people having sex. I remember that the tv was just showing a naked woman running on grass. So, out of nowhere, a preacher bursts into the room, grabs the tape case waves it around and screams, "This is disgusting!" He then just fades away. I wasn't sure if this is part of the same dream or a different one I had that night, but I opened up a refrigerator to find a family of four sleeping inside. Each person sleeping on their own shelf. The mother got out and even though she was on the alien thin side she was proportioned in a normal sort of way.

The dream I had last night, I was planting these pieces of bread into a garden, but instead of dirt it was concrete, but it moved like dirt. Me and a friend were taking the pieces of bread out of this slime soaked box. It was strange. Afterwards, I was inside this cottage and I had to cook these pieces of meat that had live frogs inside. At that point in the dream, I had x-ray vision and I could see the frogs moving around inside the meat as if they were swimming. I think I was supposed to cook the meat until the frogs disappeared.

It looks like I'll be going rowboating tomorrow. If I take any hot photographs, I'll post them.

Super Toast! 23/07/2003 - 11:50 PM

Everything seems to be floating in a test tube. I haven't gone to a show in the longest time. In fact, I think the last time I went to one, it was last summer and oddly enough the first one I'm going to this summer is at the same place. So, yeah, I go to a show next week. It'll be good to get out of the borough.

I was sewing and the needle just seemed to exploded. It just broke off, but it got my adrenaline pumping because I thought that the sharp part was going to fly into my eye.

Sitting around watching tv all day isn't good for anyone. I try to keep active and I think that I will take a serious stab at it starting tomorrow. Law and Order reruns are my life currently.

I gotta get my life together before I realize that it's gone.

Pugs are cute! 19/07/2003 - 11:54 PM

I cried today. I usually try everything I can think of to make me either not cry or stop crying immediately after I start. I enjoy it to a certain extent, but soon after my mucus starts in and I have a hard time breathing. It's strange, but the last two times I've cried it has been while I was watching movies.

I found out that my friend is sick. She's in bad health and has a stomach virus. When I say she's in bad health, she's basically going to die before anyone else in our group of friends. Sometimes, I have no idea how ill or how much she's hurting because she doesn't tell anyone about her pain because she doesn't want us to worry about her. Still, I wish she'd say something sometimes because I don't think it's fair to go out and do things when she needs to rest.

I have to mail out my tuition payment for the fall tomorrow. I calculated how much I have left in my college fund and how much the rest of skool will cost. I better hustle and make some more money quick. Damn...

I wish I was having more fun during this time in my life.

Terriers are my very favorite breed. 16/07/2003 - 12:02 AM

Today me and some pals went to Jersey. I bought skirts which is really unlike me and I had to promise my friends that I would start wearing skirts for my next two years at skool. Since I won't be painting there shouldn't be a problem with the new way I'll be dressing. Of course, I'll wear my Cons because that's how I like to rock my skirts.

When I was a little girl, I didn't want to grow up to be a woman because I didn't want to wear high heels. Every grown woman I ever saw always had high heels on. Even when I would play wear them at that age, they hurt. I'm glad that was just some misconception I had as a child.

So back to Jersey, we went to this mall that I went to once a month when I was a tween. Uck, that's a weird word. What the hell was I then, oh yeah, a preteen... Anyways one time a long ways a way, me and my family went to this mall. I got upset with my sister because she didn't do something she told me she would. I can't remember exactly how it goes, but my dad gets pissed at me for getting upset with my sis. All I can remember is the loud booming voice of my dad being heard all over the mall because he was shouting at me like nobody's business. It was so loud that people came out of stores to see what was going on. A security guard came up and my dad quickly changed his demeanor and said that everything was "okay." I was crying like crazy and I couldn't believe that he was yelling at me for being upset with my sis. In retospect, my sis was always my dad's favorite and he never really liked me because I didn't act like him. Don't get me wrong, he cares for me in the way someone cares for their pet fish, but I just don't think the guy every loved me as a child or a person. Even though things with my dad are okay now, I still care this memory around and this is probably why I'll never feel genuine love towards my dad. I don't know maybe if he told me why he did that or that he was sorry, it'd change something in me, but as of now I just can't feel love for him. Eh, just for the record, I'm not some eratic kid. I went through 2-3 other similar experiences in different locations. I should have learned to keep my mouth shut after the second time.

I've been sewing a lot. It's been fun.

Note to self: Buy white plasteline, caliphers and base for next head portrait. Compleat Sculptor is the place to go to buy these things.

I need the sun to come out. 11/07/2003 - 2:39 PM

I went to the post office to mail a few things yesterday. On the walk back home, I saw stuff flying through the air. It looked like flower petals. I pointed out to my sister how beautiful it looked. It looked something like cherry blossoms to me. As we got closer, we looked down and said, "They're feathers. Feathers?" We immediately swung our heads all around, instinctively looking for a bird. Well, right in the middle of the street was a dead pigeon. It's head was perfectly fine, but it's little chest and leg was crushed. I couldn't look at it, but sis went over to inspect it. It made us a lil crazy to see that. I mean it was probably just moving along and then it was all over. No more flying, no more living. I hate seeing dead animals in the streets.

Note to self: Rent and watch Waking Life.

Let the bunny fill you with love... 10/07/2003 - 1:31 AM

I'm sewing together a messenger bag and the left needle of my serger goes and breaks on me. I have to stay away from thick fabric on that thing. It was making this awful chopping machinesque sound.

I'm merrily rowing along the river of life. I hung out with Eric last night. It was cool as always. We watched Invader Zim, Mr. Show, talked and read comic books. That was the butters. I should hang out with him a few more times before the summer ends.

I'm trying to make a Claudia doll from "Interview with the Vampire" because my sis told me that it would be a good idea for a doll to sell. I felt that she was right because people usually like the vampire dolls that I make. I finished doing her hair and cleaning her face. I just have to make a dress, do the make up and make a necklace for her.

I should really save up for the tattooes I want to get this year.

Benny Hill theme song! 07/07/2003 - 11:51 PM

Punk Rock
PUNK ROCK : Like a revived species of nearly extinct salamander, Punk Rock Asian Girls are a rare type, but slowly climbing up to existence again. Your passions are mainly music and anime and you've probably dyed your hair some odd color of the rainbrow. And if you haven't, you probably will. You often feel like you are misunderstood, but don't worry. Just think about thongs. Very funny.

What Asian Girl Are You?

Ha ha, I wonder what my sister is...

CKY - Flesh Into Gear 07/07/2003 - 1:30 AM

I don't know why I am always the person who notices too much. I was riding the subway yesterday and I happened to notice that the guy sitting across from me had his hand shaking in his lap with his duffle bag across his legs. At first I just thought that he was scratching his leg. Well, after a good ten mintues I realized that this was not the case. I don't know if this is happening on every train I get on, but I've witnessed this kind of crap at least 4 or 5 times and every time it makes me want to puke or start screaming to draw attention to the jerk. I'm sorry, but can't these people wait until the get home before they beat their meat? Am I asking for too much?

On another note, the Invader Zim DVD I bought at the comiccon does not work on my dvd player. I think I have to ask my friend with a ps2 if she'll let me see if the dvd will work on it because her Matrix Reloaded DVD-R works on it.

Working on making messanger bags now. I hope for a good turn around because I have to save another $2000 for school since the rates went up. So If I can save $2500 I won't have to worry for the rest of my two years. But that's only for tuition since I'm not counting the cost for my supplies for each semester.

My dream job is to work for McFarlane Toys. If you don't know what they make...shame on you. Check their Movie Maniacs series for absolute loveliness.


Nine Inch Nails - Memorabilia 05/07/2003 - 12:12 AM

I spent my fourth of July watching tv, lots of it. I've never seen an episode of "Da Ali G show" before and I have to admit that I found it very funny. I laughed at one part so hard that I was crying. I don't think that has happened since a year ago.I also saw some of the Twilight Zone marathon on the Sci-Fi channel, but after wathcing to so many years I haven't really seen any of the ones that I haven't already seen.

Had dinner with my pallies a couple of nights ago. One told a story of how when she was walking home, there were two guys in the middle of the street fighting. They were in boxing stances. I asker her if it was like Fight Club, she told me that it was.

I want to do a self portrait project, but I'll probably scrap that idea and buy the sharpening stone for my wood cutting chisels.

Erasure - Take A Chance On Me 02/07/2003 - 10:59 PM

I'm sitting here and I can't even remember what happened today. I'm slowly finishing some of my work which is going to be put up for auction so I can try and get some money.

Two really huge boxes of art supplies came to my house today. In some sick way, I can't wait for skool to start so I can use all the new supplies, but then my senses come back to me and I'm thankful that I still have two months left to enjoy.

I wanted to make my first handmade book of drawings this summer. I have half the supplies, but I want to go out and take pictures for references for my drawings.

My dreams are continuing. The one I had last night, it was strange, I know that. I was driving this station wagon and I had to fill up the gas tank. Mind you, I don't even know how to drive let alone fill up a gas tank. The strange part was that the way I see everything, I'm watching myself as if the car was on this theater stage, but everything moves continuously as if there really was a road. I was also watching myself from the point of view of a member of the audience even though I know I was supposed to be on the stage. I can't remember why I was doing it. It was taking place in the south and the other people in the dream reminded me of the cast of "Mama's Family" which I watched all the time when I was a little kid.

I really want to make it to the Mutter Museum this summer. It's this college musuem that is home to various exhibits of medical oddities. Think stuff of the "Ripley's Believe It or Not" nature. I'll look into taking a bus but it'd be sweet if my friend could drive me out to Pennsylvania.

Panjabi MC - Mundian To Bach Ke 01/07/2003 - 10:33 PM

I've been having some weird dreams lately. One of them involved me looking for a giant mushroom and it looked like the mushrooms from the Super Mario Brothers' games. It was interesting to see a mix of graphics and reality based images in my dreams.

I still haven't gotten to go on my photography trips, but that should change in a short while.

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