- 11/01/2004 - 2:23 AM

This has been a strange year and it's not even two weeks old.

I watched Roadhouse on video and laughed my ass off. It really is that funny.

aw crap 04/12/2003 - 1:35 AM

I wish I could switch places with someone else and experience their life. I want to know what it's like to be surrounded by a loving family. I want to know what it's like to have a boyfriend, to succeed in skool. Everything that I don't have I want to experience. Fuck being me. I should act like someone else.

There's this girl in my class. She talks crap to me and I want to strangle her. She's one of those loud, popular types. I swear to god that it feels like I'm back in high skool with her around and like then I want to kill myself and everyone else around just to make all the crap that is taking place to stop.

I've been thinking about the tattoos I want lately. I think that when I get the money and that voice that tells me not to do stuff takes a bathroom break, I'm gonna make for the parlor and get some fuggin ink done.

YEEE!!!!!!!! 23/11/2003 - 2:58 PM

So much work and yet so little time. I spent hours on the layout of my design board. I drew the cutest little girl I ever did see. Doing homework everyday throughout the week makes life feel bad, but it's worse trying to rush to finish everything at the last minute.

I heart my iBook so. It rocks, but I need to get more fonts on there.

Thanksgiving is just next week which makes me think that life is on fast fowards because I have no recollection of my past days anymore.

I need to sew up some more clothes because I want money. Yes, I needs money to buy things that will provide me with momentary delight and distract me from the nonexistant state of my life. Aren't I a happy camper!?

- 16/11/2003 - 8:34 PM

So tired of living this shitty ass life. End of story.

Going, going, gone! 31/10/2003 - 9:25 PM

Okay, I just submitted a banner for my last 500 banner ads. I got a new phone in the deliveries and I have to activate it. My old phone didn't even last long enough to carry on a 15 minute conversation. I still have homework to do tonight. So I'll be staying up late and enjoy the quiet that comes with night.

hella 26/10/2003 - 6:06 PM

I rarely visit this place anymore. I have another online journal that I attend to and I really don't feel like telling people about it because I'm less cryptic there and people know who I am unlike here, where I'm this anoyamous weirdo among the sea of people here.

It's in our hands. 10/10/2003 - 10:58 PM

I'm so tired and busy that I don't update this like I used to, but it's not like anyone really reads this except me. =P

Vampire Germ should be the name of a band. 04/10/2003 - 10:54 PM

I am the walking dead!

I watched this black and white movie on cable today. It was called, "The Last Man on Earth." It was about this guy who survived this plague that turned everyone on the planet into vampires. It was so weird to see how vampires were thought of in the 50s/60s. That had these people acting more like zombies. They could be killed with stakes or bullets. It was strange and the end was so non-happy ending which I did, in fact, like. Still, it was really weird especially how they described people who were vampires as being infected with the vampire germ.

- 23/09/2003 - 12:23 PM

I am so tired. I have to play catch up tonight so that I will be on top of my work.

Laura brought in a cool article about a new toy store. It's in walking distance of my apartment which is cool. This makes two toy stores that I must visit in the near future. Now all I need is money so I can have the best time possible on my visits.

Should I stay or should I go? 12/09/2003 - 11:59 PM

Bleck, I have too much work to do and not enough time to do it in. I'm thinking about taking caffiene pills, but then there are those stories I heard about the people who couldn't handle it and they had to be hospitalized. =(

Crust is in my eye >=P 28/08/2003 - 11:01 PM

Well, this is a first. I got two notes in one day. This brings me to a grand total of 3 notes. Woo Hoo! One told me I wasn't SUCKY and the other one was rather nice.

I'll be back in school in 4 days. The summer has been so long and I can tell that I'm really changing because I'm welcoming the thought of going back to skool. Don't get me wrong, I still love the lazy days of doing nothing, but every year it isn't as sweet and I know I have to grow up. At orientation everyone seemed a little aprehensive of the upcoming year. The program I'm in is extensive and they work you hard, but you're practically guaranteed a job right out of school. It just can't get better then that.

I'm hoping that in two years I'll get to move to Canada. I think I'll be ready to be away from my family then. It's strange to semi-live in the same house with people and not know who they are. I'm not saying that they might secretly be psychopaths who would kill me while I slept, but it's so weird to be in such close quaters and not know what's generally going on through someone's mind. Being surprised during conversations is both cool and discomforting.

You are gonna have to find out for yourself. 25/08/2003 - 1:13 AM

I went to see Bjork a few days ago. It was a pretty amazing show. I managed to make a tape and I'm listening to it now. It's goodie. I have been up for a long time now. I got up early to go rowboating in Central Park today. I managed to shoot off a roll of black and white and some color. The zoo there is so bootlegg. They only had 3 kinds of frogs all living in the same enclosure. It was the wackest zoo, I've ever been in. Okay that's not true. I went to one even wacker than that, but they are almost on the same level.

Make 'em squeel like a pig! 10/08/2003 - 5:57 PM

I have to relearn how to get up early in the morning or I'll be really messed up when skool starts again.

I've been sewing like a madwoman these past few days. I finished my jacket, but the pattern I used was crazy and my arms don't fit so well into the sleeves. So, I got's to sell it. =( and I really wanted to keep this jacket. Shucks! I also burned my fingers with the iron and that was certainly an eye opener. I have this dress that I have to construct a pattern for before I can cut the fabric. Whee, let the good times roll ;)

My stoopid relatives came back from their vacation to Jamacia. I swear these are some of the stupidest people on the planet. They didn't enjoy being in Jamaica because "there were too many black people there." Jebus, I can't believe people can be this idiotic and still be allowed to live. And they wonder why I'm ashamed of them...

Shark Week starts tonight. I've been wanting to see this "Anatomy of a Shark Bite" since they have been promoting it a month ago.

Damnit!, when is the weather gonna get nice. Don't the heavens know that this girl wants to get in a rowboat! Egad!

My Sharona 08/08/2003 - 1:06 AM

I made a little hat today. It was from a pattern from this book about Japanese gothic fashion ("Homemade Gothic and Lolita"). My sis has been wearing it like crazy and loves it.

Kelvin called me today about hanging out. We haven't hung out since skool let out. It was cool talking to him again. He told me about this sculpture class that he took. He got to make a skull and then they learned how to sculpt the muscles over that and then the skin. I thought that was hella cool because it sounds like it combines my love of science and art perfectly. Damn, I wish I got to take the class. =(

I am almost finished with this jacket that I started to make. I cut out most of the fabric last night and have been sewing it for the most of today. It takes a really long time to sew clothes by hand. I wished I could have used my sewing machine, but this fabric that I'm using seems to stick to the presser foot and doesn't move. Eh, I should be finished by tomorrow. Yay!

Waking Life 03/08/2003 - 2:45 AM

Dream Log:

I was in this forest, but it was really bright and sunny. I moved like I was an animal or something like Gollum. I stayed low to the ground and ran under really low branches. There was this castle in the forest.

At that point, I switched from being Gollum to someone who worked in the castle. People were trying to sneak inside and they dropped through the roof onto tables. I switched again and I was this young girl dying. I could see my (her) life flashing in the mind's eye. I stepped outside of her body and there was this flourscent green liquid coming out of her mouth and nose.

Other things happened and I ended up flying outside of the castle and I had to get over these puddles of water that was supposed to be something like 100 feet deep. They were wide so I had this umbrella that caught the wind (like Mary Poppins) and I sailed through the air clutching the umbrella. It felt cool to fly in the dream.

After that, I woke up. I've never had so many dreams in such a short period of time. I find that interesting. =)

stomach aches 03/08/2003 - 2:39 AM

Wee! Verizon isn't on strike...as of yet

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