My hands are cold! 26/02/2003 - 11:48 AM

Well, I had my fencing class Monday and it was hella awesome. I'm really glad I made the switch. My portfolio review is coming up this saturday and I'm still not finished with the take home test. However, I only have to finish coloring my last design and put in some text. It should be all good.

A friend of mine has noticed that I haven't been as chipper as usual. It's nice when people notice how you're doing. It makes it feel like people actually care about what happens to you. It's a strange but comforting feeling.

With so much to do, I haven't been doing anything but sleeping. I'll get my first free afternoon to do my work today. I hope to finish so that I can also get my idea books together as well. Note: finish sketching and do the typography for the covers.

It's going to be a strange week.

Waiting for the axe to fall. 22/02/2003 - 1:23 AM

I've been working a lot lately. This means that I've been somewhat on autopilot the last few days. Do you ever have that experience that when you are doing something you enjoy, you just zone out and forgot what you were doing. I finished two drawings and after the fact, I didn't really remember the actual process of drawing.

I've also been moody lately and I think that my friends at school can tell. I'm sorry if I've acted like a grouch. My only excuse is that I've been tired.

I have to seriously either get a job or sell more of my belongings. I'm leaning towards the latter because I act even stranger than usual when operating on only four hours of sleep. Spying cool things to buy is very dangerous during these times. I wonder how much they'll pay me to give blood. hummm..

I haven't gotten to watch Monster Garage in a long time. =( My stomach hurts.

Cheese = mucus =P 18/02/2003 - 2:09 PM

Humm, so I updated the look, but it still sucks to me. I wish I could get some hella nice graphics going. I skipped going to classes and went out in the snow today. I've been getting some good designs going. I should have everything finished and ready by the time the portfolio review comes up. I've been really sleepy these part few days and been day dreaming way too much. It's bad when I day dream because I can get caught up in that for hours.

Darling, please stop confusing me. 14/02/2003 - 6:18 PM

I started off my day drawing which was pretty good. I made some progress on my first design. I still have to finish my photo assignment and drop off the roll for processing. I also have to make copies of videos for my peeps. Life is annoying, but I'm getting by. I saw everyone carrying flowers today. It's so interesting to see this many flowers during the winter time. It's nice, but also annoying, well to me at least.

Swell to overture! 13/02/2003 - 2:05 PM

I had an awful day yesterday that included my finger throbbing and me coughing up blood. The finger that was throbbing is the same one that lost some skin when I was trying really hard to open up a jar of acrylex. It turned blue before becoming a nice shade of rose madder.

I had my slimnastics class yesterday. It was the first class of instruction and I thought that I was going to lose my ever loving mind. Don't get me wrong, it's a good class and all, but I think it was meant for someone who has a higher fitness level than myself. I guess I'm not a gym bunny. So after the class, I started coughing up some blood and some more sneaked up my throat this morning during photography.

On a completely surprising turn of events, I managed to sucessfully change my physical education class. So no more slimnastics and blood in my throat. I'll get to attend my first fencing class in about a week and a half. I've always wanted to learn fencing and I'm mad at myself that I let a possible schedule conflict keep me from taking the class. Well, at least I'm in there. I think it's important that every gyrl learn sword play. I just hope it's not me jumping from one hot pan into another. It was a surprise that everyone was so nice and helpful. The instructor who had to be called up said it was all right for me to join the class. The secratary was so helpful and the lady at the registration center didn't charge me the late fee. On top of all this, I won the auction for my quill and there's a four day weekend coming up for me. Ah, all I need now is some strawberry bubble tea. mmmmmm

I hope it'll be a good weekend for everyone.

Poopt up squawk! 12/02/2003 - 4:15 PM

I have to get to my gym class soon. I had an eight 0' clock class so I'm very tired by now. I still have to finish my photography report that is due tomorrow, but it's all good. I also got purple paint on my pants today and that sucks. At least I have a four day weekend coming up. Too bad I have so much work to catch up with. I should buy some new cds one of these days.

Jeepers Creepers 09/02/2003 - 10:34 PM

I want Adobe GoLive. That would be sweet, but it's also hella expensive. Gotta send out the Batman signal and see if anyone will come out and rescue me for this.

I recently found out that Nick at Nite plays Perfect Stranger at 4 AM and Head of the Class at 4:30 AM. I missed the Perfect Strangers episode, but I managed to catch Head of the Class from the beginning. It totally brought me back and it's really weird to see what people cared about in the 80s. It was a two parter and I'm going to miss the second half because I have to go back to my apartment where I don't have cable tv. Drats! I got a few bits of work done this weekend and that was semi full filling. I have to remember get my house in order.

PS I had a dream I met Sean Paul, it was very brief and weird. I didn't expect him to show up in my dream. I was thinking something along the lines of a mongoose dog. Yeah, a mongoose dog....

What the hell am I doing? 07/02/2003 - 12:49 PM

Agh, I feel like I've slept underneath a car for the past two nights. I was planning to buy the books for my english class and the film for my photography class today. I checked the photo store's website for their hours and it looks like I'm not gonna make it because I can't get to the store before they close. This means that I have to get up hella early on Sunday to buy me stuffs. I also have to buy lumber for my stretcher bars, but it seems like I have enough for my first two paintings so I don't have to rush with that.

I went to the Leonardo da Vinci drawing exhibit that is currently going on at the Met(ropolitan Museum of Art). I got in for free with Kelvin because of an ID from the place where he used to work. They say that this is the first time that his drawings have been exhibited in the US. Very nice that I'm around to see it. I was tripping out on all the stuff that was there. Can you imagine what it must be like to draw a good portion of the day, everyday, for a majority of your life? I saw 5 books that I really wanted, but I couldn't afford any of them. They were all da Vinci except for this Ingres book of drawings that I found. Aww, those books were really sweet.

I'm irked by the way this page looks and I haven't had time to customize the look. Where is my Adobe Pagemill? I hate it when I lose programs. Curses!

Weasels! 04/02/2003 - 11:33 AM

My short fiction class sounds easier than I thought it would be. However, during the class, I got this incredible stomachache. It hurt the bejesus out of me. I spilled my glass of lemonade this morning all over the table and floor. Cleaning it up almost made me late to skool.

Note to self: When buying/stealing supplies for this year, get one or two liner brushes.

Dutty Rock 03/02/2003 - 2:54 PM

My goodness my eyes are dry. I finally found out where my Short Fiction class is going to be held. I went to my abstract painting class this morning. The professor seems to be really cool. He says he's going to make us work hard, but that's why I'm here anyways. He asked me if I'm from California. I thought that was strange because someone else asked me that same question last semester. I asked him why he thought that. He said it was the way I spoke and my attitude. Eh, that's fine by me. I passed out cookies to most of the people there because I can't finish them all by myself.

I have to get back to working on my three test designs. I'll probably finish one by the end of this week and start the second. I know it sounds strange, but it feels nice being back in skool. This is the first time in all my life that I've felt this way about starting skool again.

Atom and His Package are going to be playing somewhere soon. Gotta make it out to that.

Sean Paul says to Get Busy 02/02/2003 - 10:55 PM

Hooray! I fixed my scanner. My printer is still semi wack and another thing got all wonky on me a few mintues ago. I go back to school tomorrow. It's gonna be strange. =/

Now is the time for your friendship to end. 01-02-2003 - 6:42 p.m

Ahh, the title came from a song that I am listening to by the Specials. I got this diary thingy while trying to fix my printer and scanner. I hate them both so much for not working. It's awful because they both used to work like a dream and now they fuss with me. This was my last week before I have to head back to school. I spent it sleeping, drawing and reading comix. While I was at my desk drawing, I had this flashback to junior high. We had to take a class called "Core." Basically, we just sat in the auditorium with all of the other kids in our grade and watched wacked out films about manners and safety. There was this one that was about an alien that came to Earth and he didn't know manners. These kids were trying to teach him how to use the phone (It was rotary.) He picked up the base and put it next to his head saying "Phone, hello phone." He looked like a little human child except for his humongoid ears. His name was Beezbo.

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